Theme: FishBase and SeaLifeBase: a diversity of uses for biodiversity studies
Date: September 9, 2016
Venue: Amphitheatre Rouelle, Museum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN), Paris
See tentative program/agenda below..
Open to all interested. If you wish to attend this event, contact:
Patrice Pruvost
Chargé de conservation d'ichtyologie
UMR Borea-7208
Département milieux et peuplements aquatiques
Museum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN)
CP26 - 43 rue cuvier
tel : 33 1 40 79 37 60
fax : 33 1 40 79 37 71
75005 Paris
Contact information:
Patrice Pruvost, Chairman of the FishBase Consortium